
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


[1.1.0] - 2023-11-21


  • Added render function to the NumberInput component
  • Added FileUpload component


  • Revised the ColorPicker component. Check out the documentation for more information.


  • Resolved a problem where the Dialog.CloseTrigger was assigned to the wrong data-part.
  • Fixed various issues for the Toast component that were caused by the API not being wrapped in an Accessor.
// before
const [Toaster, toast] = createToaster({
  placement: 'top-end',
  render(toast) {
    return (

// after
const [Toaster, toast] = createToaster({
  placement: 'top-end',
  render(toast) {
    return (

## [1.0.1] - 2023-11-10

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue where the `Dialog` component would not animate on exit.
- Resolved various issues for `Menu` when lazy mounted.
- Resolved an issue where `MenuTrigger` could still work even when disabled.
- Resolved an issue where components like `Dialog`, `Popover` etc would not
  invoke `onExitComplete`
- Fixed an issue where placement of the `Combobox` could be incorrect when lazy

## [1.0.0] - 2023-11-09

We are happy to announce the release of `@ark-ui/solid@1.0.0`. This release
includes a number of breaking changes, new features, and bug fixes. Since our
last release over two months ago, we will only highlight some key changes.
Please refer to the documentation for each component to learn more.

### Highlights

- Revised the `Presence` component: `lazyMount` and `unmountOnExit` have been
  added at the root level. For some disclosure components like `Tabs` and
  `Accordion`, this constitutes a breaking change.
- Breaking changes have been implemented in `Accordion`, `ColorPicker`,
  `DatePicker`, `Dialog`, `RadioGroup`, `SegmentGroup`, `TagsInput`, `Toast`,
  and `ToggleGroup` to achieve a consistent and more intuitive API.
- Resolved various bugs and addressed accessibility issues across all

### Stability and Support

With the release of version 1.0.0, we are moving towards a more stable version
of `@ark-ui/solid`. Future updates will strive to avoid breaking changes,
ensuring a smoother experience for our users. If you encounter any issues while
upgrading, please do not hesitate to open an issue on our
[GitHub repository]( Your feedback is
invaluable in helping us improve.

## [0.11.0] - 2023-09-08

### Added

- Added `Presence` component
- To improve performance and reduce initial load times, we've introduced two new
  properties to the `AccordionContent`, `ComboboxContent`, `DialogBackdrop`,
  `DialogContent`, `HoverCardContent`, `MenuContent`, `PopoverContent`,
  `SelectContent`, and `TooltipContent` components. The `lazyMount` property
  allows for on-demand rendering of content, while the `unmountOnExit` property
  enables the removal of the component from the DOM once it's no longer
  required, ensuring better resource management and cleaner code.

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue where the `ark` factory was not exported correctly.

## [0.10.1] - 2023-09-02

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue where the `ColorPicker` was not exported correctly.

## [0.10.0] - 2023-09-02

### Addded

- Added `DatePickerPositioner` component to the `DatePicker` component to help
  with positioning the calendar.
- Added `ComboboxOptionGroupLabel` to the `Combobox` component. This component
  can be used to render a label for a group of options in the
  `ComboboxOptionGroup` component.
- Exposed `ark` factory function.

### Changed

- BREAKING: Renamed `NumberInputField` to `NumberInputInput` to match the naming
  convention of other input components.
- BREAKING: Renamed `PinInputField` to `PinInputInput` to match the naming
  convention of other input components.
- BREAKING: Renamed `TagsInputField` to `TagsInputInput` to match the naming
  convention of other input components.
- BREAKING: Renamed `SegmentIndicator` to `SegmentGroupIndicator` to match the
  naming convention of other components.

### Removed

- BREAKING: Removed `CheckboxInput`. This component is no longer required.
- BREAKING: Removed `RadioInput`. This component is no longer required.
- BREAKING: Removed `SegmentInput`. This component is no longer required.

### Fixed

- Added missing exports for `ColorPicker`.

## [0.9.0] - 2023-08-06

### Added

- Enhanced `Carousel` component: Introduced `CarouselIndicator` and
  `CarouselIndicatorGroup` components. These sub-components offer finer control
  over the carousel navigation, enabling users to directly access desired
  carousel slides.
- Expose `use<X>Context` for all components that use context.
- Added `ComboboxOptionGroup` and `ComboboxClearTrigger` components to the
  `Combobox` component.
- Developers can now set default options for all `Toast` components in their
  application, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the board.

## [0.8.1] - 2023-07-10

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue whre the `Toast` component would not render custom content.
- Fixed an issue where standalone imports were not working as expected.

## [0.8.0] - 2023-07-06

### Added

- Added support for `SSR`

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue where the `SegmentGroup` component would not animate on the
  first click.

## [0.7.1] - 2023-06-30

### Fixed

- Resolved an issue that types accross various components were not being
  exported correctly.

## [0.7.0] - 2023-06-27

### Added

- Added `Avatar`
- Added `SegmentGroup`
- Support for standalone component imports: Developers can now import individual
  components, such as `@ark-ui/solid/tabs` instead of the full `@ark-ui/solid`
  package. This is a significant feature for those working with bundlers that do
  not support tree-shaking. By allowing imports of individual components, we
  ensure a reduced bundle size when the full package import is not necessary.

## [0.6.0] - 2023-06-03

### Added

- Added `DatePicker` component
- Introduced the `onLongPress` property to `Pressable`

### Changed

- Exposed direct access to the `Splitter` component's internal API, enabling
  more control over the component's state.
- Updated all `@zag-js` dependencies to their latest versions

## [0.5.0] - 2023-05-25

### Removed

- Removed `AccordionIcon`

## [0.4.0] - 2023-05-23

### Added

- Add `Switch`

### Changed

- Update `Checkbox`. Control `indeterminate` state in `checked` prop

## [0.3.0] - 2023-05-11

### Added

- Add support for `asChild`

## [0.2.0] - 2023-04-29

### Added

- Add `ColorPicker`

### Fixed

- Add missing exports for `RangeSlider`, `Splitter` and `Toast`

## [0.1.0] - 2023-04-17

### Added

- Add `Accordion`
- Add `Carousel`
- Add `Checkbox`
- Add `Combobox`
- Add `DatePicker`
- Add `Dialog`
- Add `Editable`
- Add `HoverCard`
- Add `Menu`
- Add `NumberInput`
- Add `Pagination`
- Add `PinInput`
- Add `Popover`
- Add `Pressable`
- Add `RadioGroup`
- Add `RangeSlider`
- Add `RatingGroup`
- Add `Select`
- Add `Slider`
- Add `Splitter`
- Add `Tabs`
- Add `TagsInput`
- Add `Toast`
- Add `Tooltip`